
Intuitive Eating

I wanted to give you guys an update on what’s been going on with me recently. This past week was hard. I typically have a lot of energy and overall feel pretty good. Ever since I got diagnosed with Hashimotos and got serious about changing my diet and lifestyle I really don’t suffer from any of the symptoms I used to suffer from, other than occasional stomach issues here and there, but they usually go away within a day or two. However this week I was hit with an autoimmune flare up. Flare ups look different for each person but I personally experienced exhaustion, a lot of stomach issues, being emotionally overwhelmed (as in being overwhelmed even by the thought of having to do simple things), dizziness, brain fog and achy joints and muscles. I’m not sure what triggered it. It’s really difficult to narrow it down to one specific thing as diet, stress, environmental factors, etc. could all play a roll. Looking back though, I did change my diet. I wanted to experiment with a vegan diet to see how my body would respond. Sometimes the more you learn the more confusing things can be. Intrigued by some of the research I’d been doing I decided to give it a shot, which meant I’d be eating things I wasn’t used to eating, like legumes, higher glycemic fruits and veggies, etc. The entire week my stomach felt off.

Again, I’m not saying that going vegan was the cause for the flare up but I wanted to share this because sometimes what works for someone else may not work for you. Regardless if it’s considered healthy, we are all unique individuals and require different “fuel”. It’s so important to listen to your body and eat the foods that make you feel your best. That means, it will look different for everyone. Some may wonder why I’m so strict when it comes to my diet and the truth is because I’m terrified of all the negative symptoms that creep up from veering off of it. I couldn’t even imagine what I’d feel like everyday if I didn’t eat the way I do. Is it easy? Not always! Not when everyone around me gets to indulge in foods I can’t touch, but is it worth it? Definitely. I want to live a full life. One where I can think clearly, feel energized, be happy, and do the things I love to do! And that is my prayer for you as well!




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1 Comment

  • Mary 6 years ago Reply

    Thanks for sharing Andrea. I sure could use your tenacity and discipline in following a plan! You are special and God loves you.

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