
Not All Oil Is Created Equal

​Not all oil is created equal!
Did you know that certain healthy oils can actually become dangerous to our health if used to cook at high temperatures? Not only are the nutrients lost and flavor changed but the structure begins to break down creating dangerous compounds.
Healthy oils you should never cook with include:
Flax oil
Fish oil
Healthy oils to use for cooking at low temperatures:
Extra virgin olive oil
Nut oils (Use these oils in dressings or very low heat)

Healthy oils to use for cooking at higher temperatures:
Avocado Oil
Coconut Oil
Grass-fed butter
Animal fats (including duck fat, yarrow, or bacon drippings)

Avoid processed, refined oils that are high in omega-6 fatty acids. They include:
Soybean oil
Corn oil
Cottonseed oil
Canola oil
Rapeseed oil
Sunflower oil
Sesame oil
Grapeseed oil
Safflower oil
Rice bran oil

And remember to store your oils in a dark, dry and cool place!


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1 Comment

  • Lydiah Jerome 7 years ago Reply

    Omg! I thought grapeseed oil was specifically for high temps!!

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