
He makes a way

God makes a way when there seems to be no way. He is faithful. Time and time again He shows up when we take the time to ask Him to. When we stop trying to figure it all out in our own strength and trust that he already has the perfect plan prepared for us. It may not be in our timing or in the way we’d do it ourselves, but His way is always better than our way! It’s so easy to think that we can do it all ourselves, but it’s not our job to make it happen in our own strength. It’s our job to trust and remain faithful in the process and believe that He will make a more beautiful way!

I want to share a little story that happened to me this week… I hope it encourages you.

We enrolled Michael (my 3 yr old) in preschool this fall. There really aren’t a lot of options where we live, so we picked the school we felt was the best choice. Although I couldn’t exactly put my finger on it, I just didn’t have peace about it. I thought maybe I was just being too picky so I put it out of my mind over the summer. Fast forward to this past Sunday. I was at my friends baby shower and I was talking about schools with the girls at my table. There was some information that was revealed about Michaels school that really confirmed what I had already been feeling in my heart. The problem was that he was supposed to start school the very NEXT DAY, but I knew I just couldn’t send him. I came home from the baby shower, sat down at the counter with a pad of post it notes and a pen, and began to search, yet again, for schools near me. Although nothing new popped up, my search continued in spite of it. I called, jotted down notes, and hung up disappointed each time. The schools were either too far, too expensive (9k for preschool?? Um, yeah no!), or not flexible enough for our schedule. I felt I had done all that I could do and that’s when I took my pen to my paper again but this time it was to write this little prayer (the one in the photo- it’s the actual note I had written while sitting there). I put the pen down and about 60 seconds later, my phone rang. It was one of my friends that I was talking to at the baby shower. She called to tell me about AN AMAZING PRESCHOOL!!! (that never popped up in the google search- I might add). I hung up the phone and immediately looked the school up. READY?? It’s a Christian school, THREE minutes away from the older boys school, starts 15 minutes before the older boys start, has very flexible pick up times, and is cheaper than any of the other schools I had looked at! Come on Jesus! 🙌🏼 It was better than what I could’ve asked for! So I reached out hoping and praying that there were still openings left (I mean it is the end of August!). And sure enough they had openings on the exact days I needed!

Prayer changes things! When will we stop making it our backup plan and start using it as our first response instead of our last resort? He makes a way when there seems to be no way. He is faithful!


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