
Chicken & Broccoli Frittata

Sorry I haven’t been posting much lately. I pretty much put my life on hold because my sister flew in from Hawaii to visit, and I didn’t want to miss one second with her. Although it went by fast, I cherished the time we got to spend together. I don’t want to say that I took our relationship for granted because I’ve always known that growing up with a sister is so special, but sometimes you don’t realize how special something really is until it’s gone. I am saying this because I know how easy it can be to become complacent in our relationships. We either wait for the other person to put in the effort or we just go about our lives not realizing that we could be missing out on something so rich if we just took the initiative to reach out and make an effort. I know I have personally been guilty of this. It’s so easy to just stay in our comfort zone, but what would transpire if we tried a little harder and made time to truly invest in those we love? Make that phone call, send a text, pay a visit. It’s never too late to start! Establishing deeper connections and meaningful relationships are what make up a beautiful life filled with joy and satisfaction!

“Love what you have before life teaches you to love what you’ve lost”

I made a quick frittata the morning of my husbands birthday with the chicken and broccoli left overs from dinner the night before, but you could easily make this even if you don’t have the ingredients already prepped.

  • Ingredients:

    • 12 eggs

      Avocado oil

      1 organic chicken breast, cubed

      1 head of broccoli, chopped

      1/4 onion, chopped

      Vegan cheese

      Garlic powder

      Salt & pepper


    Heat a little avocado oil in a pan or cast iron skillet. Add onion, chicken, broccoli, garlic powder, salt & pepper, and sauté until chicken is cooked through. Meanwhile, beat eggs in a bowl with a whisk. Pour the eggs into the pan with the chicken and broccoli and sprinkle the cheese over the top. Cover with a lid and allow the egg to cook through. Allow to cool slightly before slicing!



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