
Pumpkin Spice Smoothie Bowl

Can we just talk about this pumpkin spice smoothie bowl for a second? You guys, this was UNREAL! I was in the kitchen this morning making some recipes for my dessert ebook (I know, I’m sorry. I’m working hard to get it done) and I had half a can of pumpkin left over that I needed to use up. I decided to add it to the smoothie bowl I was making myself for lunch. Now that it’s officially fall, I figured it would be totally appropriate! Do yourself a favor and make this! You can thank me later!!!!!


Handful of frozen papaya

Handful of frozen cauliflower, precooked

1/2 avocado

2 scoops of collagen powder (optional)

1 scoop of vanilla protein powder

3 medjool dates, pitted

1/2 cup canned pumpkin

1 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice

Blend together in the @vitamix (you’ll need to use the tamper to make sure it blends well). Top with coconut flakes, pecans, raisins, and a little cinnamon and enjoy!


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Comments (2)

  • Lisa Kruczyk 6 years ago Reply

    I can’t wait to make this! It looks delish! One question… I don’t have a vitamix but I do have a nutri-bullet and blender, could I use either of those, and if so, what setting? Ty so much! 💕

    andrea behe 6 years ago Reply

    It really depends on whether or not your blender is able to crush ice. You don’t want to burn out the motor so make sure to check the manual first!

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