
What Keeps You Going?

Starting your day off right will help keep you on track for the rest of the day.
It’s HARD to stay motivated when trying to make healthier choices. It’s extremely common to get discouraged if we are working towards a goal but just aren’t seeing the results as quick as we’d like. I wanted to address this because I feel this is crucial in getting to your desired goals.
We live in a society where we are used to a quick fix or a “get results now” mentality. We spend years destroying our body and when we finally decide to do things the right way we expect to see significant changes in the first two weeks. And if we don’t see changes right away this is often when a lot of people throw in the towel. But hear me out… don’t give up!!! It takes time so be patient. Have grace for yourself and if you get off track that’s ok, pick yourself back up and keep moving forward. You may not see physical changes right away but changes are happening, trust me. Every time you make a healthy choice it’s moving you in the right direction. Think of where you will be in 3 months or even a year if you continue pushing forward.
When you begin to get discouraged remember WHY you started. What is it that you want to change? For me it was my health. I had a choice to make.. I could live with the symptoms of my health conditions or I could make some changes and begin to feel better. The symptoms I experienced were not fun and because I truly wanted things to change my WHY became my motivation to keep going. You may fall off course but don’t let that defeat you. You will get there if you don’t give up, I promise. Every step forward is a step closer to your goal! I believe you can achieve whatever you set your mind to do but you have to believe that too!
I’d LOVE to hear your WHY. When it comes to your health goals, tell me what is it that you want to see changed in your life?



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