
Are You Getting Enough Raw Foods?

Are you getting enough raw foods in your diet?

Raw foods contain natural enzymes which allow our bodies to easily absorb them. The more enzymes our body intakes the easier it is to fully digest the nutrients without over taxing our systems. Not only are some nutrients lost during the cooking process but natural occurring enzymes are lost as well making the food less beneficial and also making it more difficult to digest. The longer food sits in our digestive tract the more likely it is to ferment and cause problems.
Pre-fermented foods, such as fermented cabbage or sauerkraut, are very beneficial for our bodies. They are raw and naturally develop probiotics (good bacteria) during the fermentation process. This good bacteria is responsible for nutrient absorption and also supports your immune system!
Why does all this matter? Well raw foods help lower inflammation, improve digestion, increase fiber, prevent constipation, improve skin, improve heart health, and prevents nutrient deficiencies.
So how do you get more raw foods in your diet? Try a smoothie for breakfast and throw in raw fruits and veggies. I almost always have a large salad for lunch, like the one shown, with all sorts of different raw veggies. I also love to add fermented cabbage! Another bonus: raw veggies contain high fiber which will help keep you feeling full longer!!


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