
Loaded Apple Slices

Looking for a fun and delicious snack idea?  My twist on peanut butter and apples!

Loaded Apple Slices


  • 1 Sliced Green Apple
  • 3-4 T. Creamy Nut Butter of Choice
  • 1 T. Raw Sunflower Seeds
  • 1 T. Chia Seeds
  • Canned Coconut Cream
  • Pinch of Monk Fruit


Place canned coconut cream in the fridge over night or at least for a few hours. Once cold, open and drain the liquid leaving just the hardened cream. Add the cream to a blender along with a pinch of monk fruit. Blend until whipped (be sure not to over whip or it will turn into a liquid). Meanwhile, slice apples and spread the nut butter on them. Top with sunflower seeds, chia seeds, and a dollop of the whipped coconut cream. Add a side of fruit if you’d like and enjoy!


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